Brady Walmsley is the State Performance Manager for basketball in Queensland North, an unbelievably passionate and knowledgeable coach who has kindly shared his notes for an upcoming coaching clinic.
Why = a general need for improvement in our coach driven training standards in the practice environment.
Practice Planning
Plan it = Non-negotiable for good coaches. Must be working to a plan. Energy capacity, not time capacity — invest what you can invest.
Theme it = work to a theme eg. ‘Individual & Team Defence’. Plans must have direction & purpose. Relevant progressions and evolutions to drills.
Increase competition = Add time & score to everything. Increases competitiveness, adds urgency and improves time/score situational awareness. Game sense — 1v1
More reps; less rest = maximise time spent. More action for our athletes. Less coach talk & more coaching on the run. Establish drill pattern, get reps, make improvements on the go.
Don’t forget the foundations = Prioritise the development of skills & habits which underpin the game. Multi-purpose drills which train a variety of skills. Be hard on habits.
Encourage exploration = Incorporate opportunities for player exploration and skill testing. ‘Open’ drills. Be comfortable in the chaos.
30/30/30 rule = A basic guide for planning. 30 mins of skill development, 30 minutes of teaching concepts, 30 minutes of scrimmage.
Establishing Standards & Expectations
Behavioural Non-Negotiables = On time — pre practice/drink breaks. Eye contact. Run in/run out.
Accountability = Establish non-negotiables & then be sure enforce/reinforce them. Players notice EVERY TIME you don’t apply the same rules equally.
Energy finds energy = Player driven energy is ideal. Coach driven is a necessity in place of that. Coach it up to the level. Have a pulse.
Image = Look like a coach — punctual. Reliable. Resourced. Personal appearance.
Training balance = environment needs a balance of challenge & enjoyment. Created by both training structure & coach messaging.